Exam Schedule

Exam expectations:

  • All exams are written in the dining room unless otherwise specified. Please be quiet when you are in the academic wing, as some students are studying or writing in alternate locations.
  • Morning exams begin at 9 AM. Afternoon exams begin at 1 PM. Please be on time, waiting quietly outside your exam room until invited in by the supervisor.
  • You may be out of uniform for exams. Please be fully dressed, warm enough to sit in a drafty room for two hours. No pajama pants. Shoes required.
  • You may not bring any food or drink into an exam (with the exception of a water bottle).
  • Please leave your phone in your room, locker, or cubby, or be prepared to turn in your phone when you enter the exam room.
  • You may bring a pen, pencil, and items designated by your teacher. Please check with your teacher about any materials you should or are allowed to bring to your exam.
  • Please turn in textbooks for courses which end.
  • Listening to music is discouraged during exams. You may listen to music during the exam only if you have arranged this ahead of time with your teacher. Your teacher will probably say no to music during exams. If you get permission you will be required to set your play list, then not touch your device for the duration of the exam. You must arrange this with your teacher before Friday, January 27.
  • If you are unable to write your exam on the designated day for any reason, please contact both Miss Harms and your classroom teacher as soon as possible to make alternate arrangements.


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