
MCI helps students of diverse abilities and interests become their best self.  

In addition to excellent academic, athletic and social opportunities, all MCI students experience spiritual formation as they study the Bible, participate in hands-on service, and attend daily chapel time. All provincial curriculum requirements of Manitoba Education for grades 9 – 12 and high school graduation are taught at MCI. Most courses are offered on a semester system. Some courses, such as music, are offered on a full-year basis. All students require 30 credits to qualify for high school graduation in Manitoba.


Questions regarding course selection can be sent to Principal, Londa Backlund.

To see MCI’s most current course selection, please see the course selection form below. 



MCI also offers its own graduation certificate. To qualify students must successfully complete the requirements for high school graduation in Manitoba and a religion credit for each year of attendance at MCI, as well as a Mennonite Studies credit.


Required Courses

Bible 11G

This course explores the roots of faith by studying the stories of the pre-history and patriarchs in Genesis, and the life of Christ as described in the gospel of Mark.

Canada in the Contemporary World 10F

In this course, students are exposed to various political, legal, physical, and economic processes prevalent in our Canadian society.

English Language Arts 10F

Students work at developing a wide range of writing, reading, speaking, cooperating and organizational skills.

Mathematics 10F

Emphasis in this course is given to problem-solving skills, mathematical communication skills and connections to other disciplines.

Music - Concert Choir 15S

Students in this course are exposed to various styles of music and are taught some basic choral skills. This choir performs at various events throughout the year.

Physical Education 10F

This course focuses on physical activities, developing individual and team skills in various sports. A focus will also be given to health concepts, such as fitness, nutrition and lifestyle, and interpersonal skills.

Science 10F

Students study the nature of matter, human reproduction, static electricity and space sciences.

Transitional Mathematics 15F


Elective Courses

American History 20G

Art 10S

This course emphasizes the development of basic drawing skills. It also includes an introduction to hand building with clay, art history, and basic design concepts.

Career Exploration 20S

This course is designed to help students explore a variety of careers to consider and begin planning a career path. This course is great whether you already know what you want to do, or if you are undecided. This Career Planning elective course is designed to help student become proficient in core areas, such as personal management, learning and planning, job seeking and job maintenance, and the importance of career and community experience. These studies will assist students with achieving success after high school. Also included in this course will be opportunities to learn or improve their typing skills, resume development, interview skills and the opportunity to tour local businesses to see what the opportunities are in our local area for employment. Post-secondary tours are arranged for Grade 11 and 12 years.

Drama 10S

French 10F

This course is an introductory course with practice in speaking, listening, reading and writing.

Illuminate - Vocal Ensemble 10S

This auditioned choir serves as an introduction to singing in a smaller ensemble and provides an opportunity for students to use microphones, sing in harmony, and explore a variety of musical styles.

Images of Faith 31G

Visual imagery is a powerful means of communication and understanding faith and Christian life. This course aims to teach students how to use the elements and principles of art to analyze, critique, and interpret images and symbols throughout art history and into the present day through examining artwork, film, advertising, etc. Assignments will include creative expressions as well as written formal analysis and aim to develop student’s observational, critical thinking, and reflective skills.

Transitional Math 15F

Worship Band

Students will explore different forms and expressions of worship, develop musical leadership and ensemble skills, develop technical musical skills, and understand musical concepts that will help them in creating and leading musical worship.  


Required Courses

Bible 21G

This course uncovers the saving acts of God in stories of the life of Israel in Exodus. The course then moves to an introduction to the literary forms and faith-expressions of Psalms, then concludes with a study of Luke’s gospel.

English Language Arts 20F

Various types of literature are examined in this course and students are challenged to develop their own communication skills through reading, writing, listening and speaking.

Geographic Issues of the 21st Century 20F

This curriculum explores geographic issues of the 21st century, including topics such as geographic literacy, natural resources, industry and trade.

Mathematics Introduction to Applied and Pre-Calculus 20S

This general math course focuses on algebra, geometry and graphing. Emphasis is placed on manipulation of formulas to solve problems. *Only one math course is required

Music - Concert Choir 25S

Students in this course are exposed to various styles of music and are taught some basic choral skills. This choir performs at various events throughout the year.

Physical Education 20F

This course focuses on physical activities developing individual and team skills in various sports. A focus will also be given to health concepts such as fitness, nutrition and lifestyle, and interpersonal skills.

Science 20F

Using experiments as learning tools, this course invites students to apply the scientific method of problem-solving in a variety of situations.


Elective Courses

American History 20G

The intent of the American History course is to create a greater understanding of significant historical events that shaped the United States. It is intended to be a survey course with a focus and emphasis on those historical developments that have influenced the world, especially Canada.

Art 20S

This course builds on the skills and concepts learned in Art 10S, with an emphasis on colour theory and basic painting skills. Art history and design studies, as well as clay skills, build on Art 10S content.

Career Exploration 20S

This course is designed to help students explore a variety of careers to consider and begin planning a career path. This course is great whether you already know what you want to do, or if you are undecided. This Career Planning elective course is designed to help student become proficient in core areas, such as personal management, learning and planning, job seeking and job maintenance, and the importance of career and community experience. These studies will assist students with achieving success after high school. Also included in this course will be opportunities to learn or improve their typing skills, resume development, interview skills and the opportunity to tour local businesses to see what the opportunities are in our local area for employment. Post-secondary tours are arranged for Grade 11 and 12 years.

Chamber Choir 20S

This auditioned choir encourages a love of singing, develops musical literacy, and involves performances in a variety of events and venues.

Digital Photography 25S

Learn and practice the skills of taking a great photograph by putting into use techniques and rules learned in the classroom. From basic composition rules to more complex artistic elements, students are challenged to create unique photos that communicate purpose with their chosen audiences. Student photography is often showcased in the yearbook and other MCI media. The basics of post-production editing are also introduced in class. A digital camera is recommended for the class. Digital cameras on their devices are acceptable. Students will have the opportunity to use a DSLR camera provided by the school and teacher.

Drama 20S

French 20F

In this course, French-speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills are enhanced and grammatical correctness and fluency are emphasized. Prerequisite: FRE 10F

Illuminate - Vocal Ensemble 20S

This auditioned choir serves as an introduction to singing in a smaller ensemble and provides an opportunity for students to use microphones, sing in harmony, and explore a variety of musical styles.

Images of Faith 31G

Visual imagery is a powerful means of communication and understanding faith and Christian life. This course aims to teach students how to use the elements and principles of art to analyze, critique, and interpret images and symbols throughout art history and into the present day through examining artwork, film, advertising, etc. Assignments will include creative expressions as well as written formal analysis and aim to develop student’s observational, critical thinking, and reflective skills.

Print Communication 25S

Students will learn the skills of communicating practical news to an intended audience. A variety of writing forms are presented to students to learn to use in media such as article writing, captions for photos, script writing for radio, headlines and interviews. Students will work collaboratively to design and create print media, which could include magazines, newspapers, radio shows, and yearbook spreads, using desktop publishing software.

Worship Band 20S

Students will explore different forms and expressions of worship, develop musical leadership and ensemble skills, develop technical musical skills, and understand musical concepts that will help them in creating and leading musical worship.  


Required Courses

Bible 31G

This course examines the Bible as God’s word through examination of themes, literary genres, authorship and authority. A survey of Old and New Testament texts support these goals. The course then moves into a study of the church from its roots, studying themes as they appear in New Testament churches and in our modern world.

English - Literary Focus 30S

Emphasis is placed on the appreciation of literature through reading and listening, as well as written and oral expression.

History of Canada 30F

This Canadian history course examines the development of Canada’s social and political affairs.

Mathematics - Essentials 30S

This course includes topics in geometry, consumer credit, data analysis, personal income tax, owning and operating a vehicle, and applications in probability. *Only one math course is required

Mathematics - Pre-Calculus 30S

Topics in this course include quadratic functions, trigonometry, algebra, analytic geometry, consumer math and logic/proof functions. Prerequisite: Mathematics Introduction to Applied and Pre-Calculus 20S. *only one math course is required

Music - Concert Choir 35S

Students in this course are exposed to various styles of music and are taught some basic choral skills. This choir performs at various events throughout the year.

Physical Education 30F

Activity-oriented, this course provides advanced instruction in a team and individual sports,  with an emphasis on lifetime recreation.


Elective Courses

Agriculture 30S

This course is designed to give students an idea of the important role agriculture plays locally, nationally and around the world. The aim of the course is to make students aware of issues such as sustainability, environment, and technology and industry responses to misinformation about agricultural practices.

Art 30S

This course assumes students possess basic drawing, painting, and clay skills, as well as a basic understanding of design. It provides students with an increasing amount of freedom of expression while working through problems of increasing complexity.

Biology 30S

The intricacies of life are explored through discussion and laboratory work, using humankind and animals as examples of study.

Biology 40S

Chamber Choir 30S

This auditioned choir encourages a love of singing, develops musical literacy, and involves performances in a variety of events and venues.

Chemistry 30S

This course introduces students to the activities of science, the atomic theory, the mole concept, stoichiometry, gas laws, chemical reaction, solution chemistry and organic chemistry.

Digital Photography 35S

Learn and practice the skills of taking a great photograph by putting into use techniques and rules learned in the classroom. From basic composition rules to more complex artistic elements, students are challenged to create unique photos that communicate purpose with their chosen audiences. Student photography is often showcased in the yearbook and other MCI media. The basics of post-production editing are also introduced in class. A digital camera is recommended for the class. Digital cameras on their devices are acceptable. Students will have the opportunity to use a DSLR camera provided by the school and teacher.

Physics 30F

This course is recommended for students interested in science and mathematics and a must for those wishing to explore careers in engineering. Topics will include waves (focusing on light and sound), mechanics (motion, velocity and acceleration) and fields (gravitational, electrostatic and magnetic)

Print Communication 35S

Students will learn the skills of communicating practical news to an intended audience. A variety of writing forms are presented to students to learn to use in media such as article writing, captions for photos, script writing for radio, headlines and interviews. Students will work collaboratively to design and create print media, which could include magazines, newspapers, radio shows, and yearbook spreads, using desktop publishing software.

Psychology 40S

Psychology is the study of human behaviour and mental processes. This course aims to introduce students to the major areas of study in psychology, research methods, as well as mental health challenges. This course provides a solid framework for further study in helping professions, as well as helping students gain an understanding of the complexity of human behaviour and interactions in their own life and beyond.

Resonate - Vocal Ensemble 30S

In this auditioned ensemble students will create vocal music at a high level of performance in a variety of styles, as well as developing musical literacy and microphone and leadership skills.

World War II Studies - English Comp 30S

Worship Band 30S

Students will explore different forms and expressions of worship, develop musical leadership and ensemble skills, develop technical musical skills, and understand musical concepts that will help them in creating and leading musical worship.  


Required Courses

Bible 41G

This course is a study in Scriptural wisdom and ethics as nurtured by the Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew. This study reveals how Jesus’ followers are transformed by life in the Kingdom of Christ.

English - Literary Focus 40S

Students learn the form of literature by examining how changes to the form affect the message communicated.

Mathematics- Applied 40S

This course continues the study of personal finance, vectors, probability, variability and statistical analysis, applications of periodic functions and sequences. This course meets university requirements for most programs. Prerequisite: Pre-Calculus 30S or Applied Math 30S. *Only one math course is required.

Mathematics - Essentials 40S

Essentials Mathematics covers topics in problem analysis, personal and government finances, design and measurement, statistics, investments, taxation, variation and formulas, and a life/career project. This course meets university entrance requirements. *Only one math course is required.

Mathematics - Pre-Calculus 40S

Topics covered include circular functions, transformations, exponents and logs, probability, statistics and geometric sequences. This level of mathematics is most widely accepted for university and college admissions. Prerequisite: Pre-Calculus 30S. *only one math is required

Mennonite Studies 41G

This course covers key aspects of Anabaptist/Mennonite history from the sixteenth century through the present. Through class discussion and term projects, students are encouraged to make the material studied relevant to their own lives.

Music - Concert Choir 45S

Students in this course are exposed to various styles of music and are taught some basic choral skills. This choir performs at various events throughout the year.

Physical Education 40F

The focus of this course includes personal fitness, developing sport for life and team and individual sports.


Elective Courses

Agriculture 30S

Art 40S

This course assumes students have a strong foundation in basic skills. Opportunity will be given for exploration of new ideas, media, and techniques. Work produced can be used for an entrance portfolio for post-secondary study.

Biology 40S

For those students interested in developing an understanding of plant and animal life science including the study of genetics and heredity, this course serves as a good introduction. This is a required course for post-secondary programs in medicine and agriculture.

Calculus 40S

This course is roughly equivalent to a first-semester college calculus course devoted to topics in differential and integral calculus. The AP course covers topics in these areas, including concepts and skills of limits, derivatives, definite integrals, and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.

Chamber Choir 40S

This auditioned choir encourages a love of singing, develops musical literacy, and involves performances in a variety of events and venues.

Digital Photography

Physics 30S

Physics 40S

Print Communication

Psychology 40S

The aim of this course is to introduce students to the fundamentals of psychology as a social science. The breadth of topics in the course will expose students to possible areas of post-secondary studies: arts, education, social work, and healthcare.

Resonate - Vocal Ensemble 40S

In this auditioned ensemble students will create vocal music at a high level of performance in a variety of styles, as well as developing musical literacy and microphone and leadership skills.

World War II Studies - English Comp 40S

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