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Youth Orbit

For decades, MCI has hosted the Youth Orbit event as an invitation for youth from across the province and beyond to come together to embrace their faith, connect with others, learn, grow, and have fun.

The mission of Youth Orbit is to empower our youth to ignite their faith and make it real and known. Our youth need us to encourage, teach, and invest in them. Our goal is to be intentional about creating opportunities for our teenagers to grow, thrive and experience God’s love and plan for their lives.  

Worship is a key aspect of all Youth Orbit events, and a highlight for many. Our services will always be led by those who are focusing on a spirit-lead, Christ centered experience.

The event is filled with group activities, sports/games, worship, teaching, a prayer room, great food and fun!

Youth Orbit 2025 – January 18th


  • Event Date: Saturday, January 18, 2025
  • Who Can Attend: Open to youth in Grades 7-12
  • Arrival & Check-in: Saturday, Jan. 18th, check in at 1:00 PM, Check out 8:00 PM
  • Registration: $50.00 (MCI rates available for current students)
  • Group Registration: For groups of 6 or more, registration is $40 per person. Please contact the Youth Orbit team at [email protected] for group bookings.
Focus verse: Deuteronomy 31:6 “Be strong. Take courage. Don’t be intimidated. Don’t give them a second thought because God, your God, is striding ahead of you. He’s right there with you. He won’t let you down; he won’t leave you.”


Where is the event?

Youth Orbit is hosted on the Mennonite Collegiate Institute campus (466 Mary Street, Gretna Manitoba) It’s a quick and easy drive straight south of Altona. For more information, learn about our campus at www.mciblues.net 

Who can come?

Open to youth Grade 8-12 only

What do I need to bring?

  • Clothes including comfy clothes for gym games (clothing with inappropriate graphics or language will not be permitted)
  • Jacket for potential outdoor activities
  • Indoor Shoes
  • Bible
  • Journal/Pen
  • Spending cash for YO Merch (optional)
  • Your friends!

If you are joining us for the overnight experience, please bring the following:

  • Pillow
  • Sleeping Bag or Blanket & sheet (mattresses will be in dorms for each youth)
  • Toothbrush/Toothpaste
  • Deodorant
  • Shower Supplies (including a towel)

Will there be First Aid on site?

Yes. We will have a First Aid Centre located at the center of our facility. Email us with any further questions you may have at [email protected]

Where will we eat? Do we need to bring money for food?

The majority of the meals will be served in our spacious dining hall (with some exceptions to other locations as needed). If you

have dietary restrictions, please let us know in your registration form. We will do our best to accommodate everyone. All meals and snacks (besides canteen) are included in the registration fee. 

Is there WIFI and a Cell Phone Policy?

MCI/Youth Orbit High offers WIFI access on the school campus for guests. All device usage is the responsibility of the attendee. MCI will not actively monitor device usage during the event.

Disciplinary Consequences & Procedure

Potential Disciplinary Actions – In the event that a student has broken the trust, or code of conduct (as outlined at www.mciblues.net), disciplinary action will be taken. It’s important to note that our goal is to restore relationships of trust and turn discipline into an opportunity for learning. 

Rules and Guidelines

The following will result in immediate action. 

  • Illegal Activity: In the case that participants are involved in any illegal activity (ie. Drugs, Alcohol, Weapons etc.) on MCI campus or at any MCI functions, it will result in immediate removal from the event. Any student caught smoking/vaping or in possession of tobacco/vape products on campus will be subject to discipline.
  • Property Damage: Any participants that intentionally damage school property will be expected to pay the full cost of repair.
  • Harming Others: Any participants that intentionally harms a fellow student will be subject to removal.
  • Entering the Opposite Sexes Dormitory: Any student found entering, hosting, or assisting an opposite gender visitor will result in immediate removal.

What does it cost?

Regular (non MCI student) $50

MCI student (not dorm) $40

MCI student (currently in dorm) $25

Group Registration: Group rate available $40/kid for groups over 6 people. (they email in their registration, contact [email protected])

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