Board of Directors

The MCI Board of Directors is comprised of members appointed by supporting churches, and other MCI supporters.

The Board of Directors is tasked with holding the MCI community accountable to achieving its

  • Mission
  • Vision
  • and strategically planning for the future.

It’s a blessing to see the cooperative spirit at work on the Board and to see what God has done over the years in lives of students, staff and families at MCI. We thank both current and former Board members for volunteering their time to serve the MCI community, their leadership is a key element of MCI’s ongoing legacy. We thank God for their wisdom and guidance.


Board Members

Wil Epp

Emmanuel MC

Marlin Froese

Blumenort Mennonite Church

Art Harms

Prairie Mennonite Fellowship

Marc Loewen

Member at Large
Glenlea Mennonite Church Vice-Chair

Adam Robinson

Arnaud Mennonite Church Secretary
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